Been away for quite some time. All sorts of yucky stuff happened including dead computers, total loss of files, deep depression (related to the above but more directly so to the world situation). It took me monstrous time to attempt a comeback. So much lost, but, hey! This is a clean slate and there is work to be done.
I will need to find my old friends, those who are still blogging here and there around the net. This is a daunting mission, but, it will be fun to see who is out there and discover some newbies along the way.
It is summer, the garden is feeding me both food and delight...flowers abound, the rose bush, which made it through the harsh Maine winter, is loaded with fragrant rosy glories and the Peonies' fragrance fills the air. There are Niccotiana plants growing, to delight the senses in a few weeks. The apple tree is loaded with apples (we have wild bees in the neighborhood, not yet touched by the dread and mysterious bee disease) and the fireflies join me in dance each evening. Oh how I love the summer!
Politics are in full flower as well but, as this is my first post and I am angry as a hornet re the current political situation, I think I will leave that to the next post. Need to play a bit first.
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