Saturday, April 5, 2008

Elder's Meditation of the Day - April 5

"As we plunge ahead to build empires and race for supremacy we should stop and listen to [the female] song of life. For without the female there is no life."

--Oren R. Lyons, Spokesman, Traditional Circle of Elders

Women are created with the ability to produce life. Women have a special tie to the Earth Mother. They have something in common. They are the source of life. The Earth Mother gives songs to the Woman to sing. These songs are about life, about beauty, about children, about love, about family, about strength, about caring, about nurturing, about forgiveness, about God. The World needs to pay attention and listen to Her. She knows.

Great Spirit, let me listen to Her songs.


Natasha said...

Hey there!
Lovely blog. I'd like to invite you to join us at, a site of women approaching and In our 50s, who live life to the brim by embracing transitions and changing with the times, and yet retaining our strength of spirit and inner goodness!:)

Unknown said...

Very nice!

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